barusan gw baru nonton DESPICABLE ME 3D di epicentrum walk XXI bersam ina (rizkina) dan dede (ramadian). gini kronologisnya. jam 1 gw ke rumah ina, sambil nunggu dede. selama nunggu dede bergossiplah gw sama ina mengenai si *biiipp* seseorang lah, yang lagi HOT NEWS. ahahha. dan jam 3 dede jemput. pergilah kita. diperjalanan agak tersendat, pas di deket terowongan casablanca. ada apa ini? ternyata ada truk terguling. bodohnya ada kejadian :
dede : wih ada guling. gw : oh iya. ada yang guling. ina : mana guling, mana? --> perasaan gw mulai gak enak nih si ina nyariin guling. okee jangan2 dia beneran nyari guling. padahal yang di maksud dede dan gw adalaha TRUK TERGULING, jatuh ke samping. ada polisi dan gw sempet video dan dede jadi reporternya. jam 4 nyampe tuh di daerah epicentrum. sempet salah gedung juga, malah masuk ke bakrie tower. *tower yang gw suka karena dibangunnya gak simetris* abis dapet tempat mall nya, parkir lah. sepiii banget deh. masuk ke GF dari epicentrum walk *ini dia mall nya* gw agak terpesona. bagus dan kreatif banget. spot oke buat foto. ahaha. nah disini nyasar lagi. udah sampe ke lantai 2 gak nemu2 tuh XXI, akhirnya jalan terus deh menuju luar. nanya aja deh, ucap gw. ada satpam nih. si dd baru aja mau nanya di mana XXI, untung dia nyadar ada tulisan segede-gedenya di depan mata. ahahha gak jadi malu. dan gw sekali lagi takjub dengan mall ini, OKE BANGET LOH. ahhaha. sangat menjual suasana. top buat bakrie.
daaaaaann nonton lah film ini. gw memutuskan, DESPICABLE ME IS MY TOP OF THE TOP FAVORITE MOVIE UNTILL NOW. eheheh, lucu banget siih soalnya. gak nyangka filmnya selucu itu. ranking 2 diteapati oleh toy story sequel from 1 - 3, trus up, cars, yaa bukan saatnya mengumumkan list film kartun gw.
sedikit review film ini :
When a busload of tourists stops at the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, they accidentally discover that it has been stolen and replaced by an inflatable rubber duplicate. News of the theft shocks and puzzles the world.
In the middle of a suburban neighborhood sits a black house with a dead lawn. Unbeknownst to the neighbors, hidden deep beneath this home is the vast secret hideout of the supervillain Gru (Steve Carell) and his army of mischievous little minions. When he learns of the Pyramid theft, his pride is badly wounded and he resolves to pull the biggest heist in world history: stealing the moon. Gru tries to get a loan from the local Bank of Evil (formerly Lehman Bros, as referenced), where he meets Vector (Jason Segel), and finds out that it was Vector who stole the Pyramid. Mr. Perkins (Will Arnett), the bank president, refuses to give Gru a loan until he obtains the shrink ray for the plan. As Gru leaves the bank, he shoots Vector in the head with his freeze ray while he's reloading his piranha launcher.
Gru and his minions steal the shrink ray from a secret lab in East Asia, but Vector promptly steals it from him; Gru makes several attempts to get it back, but cannot get inside Vector's base. Meanwhile, Margo (Miranda Cosgrove), Edith (Dana Gaier), and Agnes (Elsie Fisher), three girls who live at a local orphanage, are selling cookies door-to-door. Seeing them enter Vector's base with ease, he adopts them to get to the shrink ray. Vector has placed a large order, and Gru has his assistant, Dr. Nefario (Russell Brand), build several cookie-shaped robots that he slips into the boxes to help steal the shrink ray from Vector's vault. The heist nearly fails, but Gru and his minions eventually succeed.
Gru begins to bond with the three girls as he fine-tunes his plan and presents it to Mr. Perkins, who surprises him by refusing to give him the loan. Perkins then tells Vector (revealed to be his son Victor, who made his villain name after the math term vector) that Gru has the shrink ray. Though Gru is ready to abandon his plan due to lack of funds, the minions take up a collection to keep it going. Nefario begins to see the girls as a distraction and has them sent back to the orphanage, breaking Gru's heart.
The heist falls on the same day that the girls are to participate in a ballet recital. Gru shrinks the moon, pockets it, and rushes back to Earth - but he misses the recital, instead finding a note from Vector, who has kidnapped the girls. After forcing Gru to hand over the moon, Vector does not return the girls, but instead takes them into space aboard his escape pod. Gru gives chase as the effects of the shrink ray wear off (which Dr. Nefario calls the "Nefario effect," explaining that heavy objects return to their original size faster than light ones), causing the moon to grow and smash open the cell holding the girls. Gru rescues them with the help of his minions, while the (now full-size) moon wrecks Vector's controls so that it gets blasted back into orbit.
Gru and the girls settle down to live a happy life as a family, while Vector is stranded on the moon with a minion that drank a sample of anti-gravity serum and floated out of the lab after Nefario forgot to close the skylight.
dan inilah pemerannya :
GRU bersama ciptaan kuningnya yang rangkap sebagai asisten dan sepupu.
anak2 angkatnya : Margo-agnes-edith. i love agnes so much, cute little girl
musuhnya VECTOR.
my rating for this movie, ofcourse FIVE STARS YEAYY
lanjut dengan kronologis. abis nonton, foto2 dulu. pemandangan pas malem, 2x lebih OKE dari siang. ahh pengen balik lagi ke tempat itu. epicentrum walk OKE ABIS. nah ini dia perjalanan panjang penuh cerita aneh dan lucu dimulai. yaaa selama perjalanan pulang, EFEK NEGATIVE mobil dede mulai kerasa. bukan apa2 ya, tapi ahhahaa yaa gitulah. si ina pas berangkat keceplosan ngomong si itu, gw pas pulang keceplosan ngomong si itu, bukan itu yang sama. ahahha. bahasa kaskus, semua keluar. yaa gak perlu sebut lah, agak frontal, looh??? topik satu abis, nyari topik lain. dan sepanjang jalan ngakak gak berhenti. nyampe condet beli sate deket rumah ina. INI ANEHNYA. dede nunggu di mobil pas gw sama ina nunggu sate jadi. pas balik ke mobil, ENGINGENG dede merenung. raut mukanya 180 derajat berubah. dari bahagia jadi merenung. di rumah ina makan satelah. terus sampe dede pulang, gw sama ina masih gak tau kenapa dede berubah ekspresi gitu. daan acara hari ini selesailah. untuk kejadian lebih lanjut, tunggu update nya.
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